Report to:


Governance Committee



25 June 2024



Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Title of report:


Appointments to Outside Bodies – Levelling Up Partnership Boards


Purpose of report:


To consider appointments to the Levelling Up Partnership Boards in Hastings, Bexhill and Eastbourne for the period to May 2025.





The Governance Committee is recommended to appoint a member as a Council representative on the following local Levelling Up Partnership Boards until the date of the annual council meeting in the next County Council full election year:


1)    Hastings Levelling Up Partnership Board;

2)    Eastbourne Levelling Up Partnership Board; and

3)    Bexhill Levelling Up Partnership Board



1.         Supporting Information


1.1       The County Council is invited to appoint Members (and in some cases non-County Councillors are eligible) to serve on a wide range of outside bodies whose role has a relationship to a function of the County Council. The appointments are a vital part of the County Council’s working in partnership with voluntary bodies, statutory agencies and the public and private sectors.


2.         Levelling Up Partnership Boards


2.1       Levelling Up is the Government’s social and economic programme looking to spread opportunity more equally across the UK. The Levelling Up Partnership (LUP) is run by the Department of Levelling Up, Communities and Housing (DLUCH). Hastings, Eastbourne and Bexhill are among the 20 areas selected by DLUCH to establish a local LUP board. The local boards aim to provide strategic oversight and governance to the delivery of specific projects across these identified areas. The terms of reference of the local LUP Boards are set out in Appendix 1 of this report.


2.1       It is proposed that a member is nominated to each local board as set out below:

            1) Hastings LUP Board

            2) Eastbourne LUP Board

            3) Bexhill LUP Board


3.         Conclusion


3.1       The Committee is asked to agree to the appointment of a member as a County Council representative to each of the local LUP boards as set out in paragraph 2.1 of the report for the period until May 2025.





Director of Communities, Economy and Transport



Contact Officer: Georgina Seligmann

Tel. 01273 482355






